1 844 647 8700 info@clearinghouseTPA.com

Explore our services.

Clearinghouse Registration & Support
Drug & Alcohol Enrollment
Written Company Policies

Speak with one of our compliance specialists today.

Get Registered

Clearinghouse Registration & Support

We have successfully registered hundreds of our clients, drastically reduced their learning curve and hours of frustration. We can do the same for you.

At Clearinghouse TPA, we offer a streamlined service to Register your company and guide you in the steps you must take to get through the initial Registration process.

As of January 6th, 2020, the FMCSA launched the Drug & Alcohol Clearinghouse and all that entails for CDL drivers and the Employers of CDL drivers.

  • Your registration will be handled by an experienced Specialist that knows how to get it done for all classes of business—a mandatory requirement for all CDL related businesses and owner-operators without the steep learning curve.
  • We also offer help with annual queries and new hire queries as required by the FMCSA.
  • We also offer help with annual queries and new hire queries as required by the FMCSA.

Contact us now to learn more about this important requirement.

Full Range of Services

Drug & Alcohol Enrollment

Clearinghouse TPA offers the full range of services to meet the FMCSA’s Drug and Alcohol (D/A) requirements. We are a registered D/A Consortium with the FMCSA Clearinghouse.

We make enrollment and participation as easy and convenient as possible. Communication between the consortium representative and the drivers and employers is convenient and easy. We contact you through multiple methods to ensure you get the contact confirmation needed for Random Selection notification. We partner with of one of the largest nationwide testing laboratories and offer a broad selection of collection sites most convenient to you. You can change collection sites easily and your D/A specialist is just a phone call away should you or your drivers have questions.

We educate and support you during all phases of the Drug and Alcohol process. Should a driver test positive, we are there to guide you through the process. Steps like when and how to inform the driver if they have tested positive, to documenting steps to a successful return to duty (RTD) process.

We know how involved and taxing administering the FMCSA Drug and Alcohol requirements can be for small businesses. Rely on our staff to stay on top of changes and keep you up to date with the latest requirements from the FMCSA. Adding new CDL drivers is quick and easy, removing departing staff from the program is simple and well documented.

The serious nature of the Drug and Alcohol program for CDL demands a carefully structured procedure and policy for those that administer it. We provide services that meet all of these requirements and our customer service is world class. You will always talk to a real person and missed calls are returned promptly. We understand that when you call, you need answers fast.

As your Drug and Alcohol program provider, we are available and here to help you understand your responsibilities as an employer or Owner Operator. We are a reliable resource for a complicated compliance requirement, just a phone call away.

To start the registration process, click here.

Clarity between employer and employees.

Written company policies are essential in ensuring clarity when it comes to what is expected by both employer and employee.

No company should go into business without a written company policy.

Get Started

Written Company Policies

Why do you need a written company policy manual?

Written company policies are the definitive outline and guide for employees and managers with the purpose of keeping them informed about legal and safety issues directly affecting company business.

Many companies, especially small businesses, neglect to write down their company policies early enough. There’s a tendency to believe that “our company doesn’t need a written Policy” and that verbal instructions will suffice. This assumption is incorrect.

Nobody wants to focus on the negative aspects of business, but disputes and accidents can and will arise. In the instance that accidents and disputes lead to court hearings, written company policies are essential in ensuring clarity when it comes to what was expected by both employer and employee. This clarity in court hearings can save you significant time and money.

‍By providing a written company policy to your employees you will put into practice a guideline for everyone to follow and offer indisputable written proof of what is company policy, limiting your liability and improving the work environment.

If you are interested in operating your business without dramatically increasing your burden of employee management responsibilities and legal exposure, we recommend contacting us to get started on a written company policy manual.

We can provide you with a customized written policy for immediate application to your business at an affordable price. We will add your print ready company logo to the cover page and provide a professionally bound manual for your reference in the workplace. A flash drive containing the PDF version of the Policy manual will also be available should you wish to make additional manual copies for your staff.

No company should go into business without a written company policy. No company should hire employees without providing them a written company policy.

Protect what you have built. That’s good business.

Getting Started

Let us help you get started.

Clearinghouse TPA provides compliance services to all FMCSA regulated employers and drivers needing assistance with the Clearinghouse and Drug & Alcohol regulations.